I was most honoured to have been invited to write the following Guest Column. Here is the link of the original post:
September 22, 2011 by suzannelazear
Today we welcome MADemoiselle Veronique Chevalier.
Veronique Chevalier is the eccentric Françican (Français-American) Chanteuse (Songstress) known as The “Weird VAL” of Dark Cabaret. She’s an unparalleled Parodist; a Steampunk-lish Chanteuse, and Spooky Polkanista, who has been described as a twisted incarnation of Edith Piaf from an alternate reality – the one in which her parents are Jim Morrison, and Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, and her godparents are Lucille Ball and Weird Al. As a self-proclaimed “Mad Sonictist,” she takes maniacal pleasure in combining previously unrelated musical forms into new, unholy combinations. She vows to leave no genre unadulterated in her quest to create the ultimate Sonic Frankenstein. She originated the genre of “Gothic Polka”. Her twisted brand of humour hits at the core of daily reality. Being gonged off the premiere season of America’s Got Talent (which is FAKE reality) was irrefutable proof her gifts are wasted on the masses.
What Is “Steampunk Music?"
by Veronique Chevalier
There seem to be more and more debates floating through the aethers on the subject of “Steampunk Music,” so I wrote this piece from the viewpoint that I have as an artiste. Although I have performed at numerous Steampunk events, and shall continue to do so as long as the invitations keep coming my way, I don’t call myself a “Steampunk” artiste, per say.
I prefer the word “artiste” without any descriptors, because I create to please myself, and I appear at non-Steampunk events (Cabarets/Music Halls/Gay Venues/Burlesque Rooms) as well. I do feel very privileged and honoured that many fine folk in the community appreciate my special brand of ODDitory MADemoiselle-ness.
However, I know that people new to the Steampunk community, as well as long-time adherents, yearn for more musical choices, so that they might have a soundtrack, as it were, to complement the aesthetics and spirit that drew them to the community initially.In the spirit of inclusiveness, I’d like to share a couple of invaluable resources for Steampunk-ish music. Incidentally, there is no universal agreement about what constitutes “Steampunk” music, since it commenced as a literary and aesthetic movement. However, it does seem to follow that numerous music artistes enjoyed by many Steampunks (and in whose ranks I am honoured to be included) are congregated in the following two websites:
* http://www.gildedagerecords.com*
The world’s only artist collective, founded by Joshua A. Pfeiffer of Vernian Process & Evelyn Kriete, focused on musician’s combining old world aesthetics and sounds with current genres of music. Steampunk/Cabaret/Swing/Ragtime/Gypsy-Punk/Darkwave/etc.
Founded by Jordan Bodewell, “Sepiachord is the “genre that doesn’t exist”. It is to music what “Steampunk” is to literature and cinema: something that looks back to the past to comment on the present while looking sideways at the future. A cubist aural experience. As goth & glam are the bastards of David Bowie, Sepiachord is the made from the genetic material sown by Tom Waits.
“A Sepiachord Passport” released under the Projekt Records imprint, is a compilation with a generous selection of 20 tracks by as many artistes, and is an excellent way to dip one’s toe into the Steampunk Music pool. It may be ordered from the Projekt website:
Coming late fall 2011, Steampunk is a two volume CD soundtrack for G. D. Falksen’s novel The Hellfire Chronicles: Blood In The Skies. This musical compilation represents the combined work of some of the top steampunk bands and musicians from across the world, who have come together to provide you with music to listen to while reading Blood In The Skies. The soundtrack also features an exclusive preview of the book, read by the author.
Disc 1
- “Lullabye for Lizzie” by Hellblinki (Hellblinki.com)
- ”The Killer” by The Magnificent Seven (Magnificentseven.se)
- “Terpsichore” by Strange Artifact (Strangeartifact.jp)
- “Thick As Thieves {Loreli, Pt. III}” by Dr. Carmilla (Drcarmilla.com)
- “The Beer Hall In Hell” by Veronique Chevalier (WeirdVal.com)
- “Valentine” by Sunday Driver (Sundaydriver.co.uk)
- “The silent have names” by Platform One (Platform-one.com)
- ““On a 45”” by This Way to the Egress (Thiswaytotheegress.com)
- “For the Killers” by Unwoman (Unwoman.com )
- “House of Cards” by Frenchy and the Punk (Frenchyandthepunk.com)
- Prologue of The Hellfire Chronicles: Blood In The Skies, read by the author
- “Glory (Blood in the Skies Mix)” by The Clockwork Dolls (theclockworkdolls.com)
- “goggles” by The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing (facebook.com/blamedfornothing)
- “The Cruel Intentions Of Time” by The Wet-Glass RO (thewetglassro.bandcamp.com)
- “Railroad Track” by Imaginary Airship (imaginaryairship.com) “The Man Who Learnt To Fly” by Tom Slatter (tomslatter.co.uk)
- “Blood in the skies” by Victor Sierra (victorsierra.net )
- “Smoke & Mirrors” by GHOSTFIRE (ghostfiremusic.com)
- “Eveen” by Life’s Decay (lifesdecay.com )
- “Until the End” by Escape The Clouds (EscapeTheClouds.com)
- “Savior of the Skies” by The Cog is Dead (thecogisdead.com)
- “Zeppelins” by The Absinthe Drinkers (theabsinthedrinkers.com)
- Chapter One of The Hellfire Chronicles: Blood In The Skies, read by the author
With great eSTEAM,
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